Monday, February 27, 2012

What makes a Friend? :)

Friendship is a strong feeling many people feel, but what really makes a friend? To me a friend is someone who sticks up for you when others don't, someone who you can joke around with, and someone who you can talk to when others are not available. Someone can have many friends, whether they have 10 or 350 on facebook, but they are not as special as their BEST FRIEND! To me a best friend is someone who is there for you through good times and bad, someone you can talk to and know that they won't tell anybody else! A best friend is someone who laughs with you but not at you. Most of all a friend is someone you love (like family) no matter if they are sitting right next to you or if they live 300 miles away!

Monday, February 20, 2012


So homecoming has come and gone! To me it just feels like another week of normal school! I did dress up for plaid day, pj day and green and white day but that is it, because our 2nd hour advisor didn't feel like counting any of the people that did dress up so it was pointless. The mini floats were pretty good overall (except for the seniors)! The pep assembly didn't seem all that great for the most part, but we did have some fun parts! I really did not care that Nick Howard won king because it is not my graduating class! Maybe next year I will be more interested!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Valentines day...

So as we all know tomorrow is valentines day! YAY!!! Just kidding valentines day I believe has went WAY overboard. All the candy and cards! It's pointless. Valentine's day is not even a holiday (in my opinion). If you don't have someone special in your life to give a Valentine to WHO CARES! Their are a lot of single people in the world today, what are they supposed to sit around and cry all day? Parents could count as being your valentine (if you really think you need Valentine's day in order to survive). As a child I loved Valentines day though you got to have a party in school, and go out and buy the "cutest" valentine's day cards to give to your whole class, and even make a mail box for them! Now it's like whatever!

Monday, February 6, 2012

This Next MONTH!

So  I am pretty EXCITED for the 26 ( I think) of this month! My baby cousin Zaelin is entered in  the Sunburst Beauty Pageant! Since her mother has no sense of style she asked me to pick out Zaelins dress, shoes, and to do her hair. The contest she is enter in include best attitude, prettiest eyes, prettiest smile, and cutest hair! And I will be taking her up on stage! SHE BETTER WIN BECAUSE SHE IS THE CUTEST BABY I HAVE EVER SEEN!