Monday, April 30, 2012

What is on my mind!

Well today we have to blog about whats on our minds.... So here we go. My Rottweiler Nakita is on my mind! Today we had to put her down because she had a stroke, and couldn't stand up. Nakita has been a part of my family for 11 years. We adopted her from the humane society in 2001, and now here it is 2012 and we had to put her down. Since she was part of our family we don't just want to bury her and that's that. So we are cremating her.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Yes of course I have a facebook account. Who doesn't? I use facebook almost every single day! I use facebook to keep in contact with family and friends, and to read everybody Else's business that they post! I think people just have to be on facebook to make sure they don't miss anybody's drama that they post! I think anybody can use facebook as long as they don't post every single detail about who they are, what they are doing, etc. Nobody really has hundreds of friends they are just people they know, or family!!!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Favorite Picture of Zaelin and Ethan

Standing up by Tara Capri Krise
Standing up, a photo by Tara Capri Krise on Flickr.

This was one of the first pictures I took, and zaelin watched her brother as he walked up to the gate and looking in at the statue, and crawled over and pulled herself up!

There is nothing better than...

There is nothing better than waking up one morning and finding out that you will be going to the bahamas in three months!!! About a month ago my parent had the idea that we would be going on a "big" family trip before my sister graduates. A week after that I woke up and they were gone they got home about an hour later with 5 tickets to the bahamas!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring Break

Well like last years spring break and the years before I did absolutly NOTHING!!! I sat around the house, went on walks, babysat, and went shopping once or twice! We are saving up money for the summer because we will be going to the bahamas for a week! So mainly all I did all spring break was SLEEP! :)