Thursday, May 31, 2012
So this is it... School is almost over only a week left. That means no more blogs.... This year has been good. My blogging experience was great! In the beginning I had to clue what to write, I mean this was exploring tech where you learn about photoshop, and taking pictures, not where you have to write about what was going on in your life... Now knowing more about technology I came to realize what a big part blogger took in exploring tech!
Monday, May 21, 2012
Let's Change the student handbook!
If I could change any rule in the student handbook at Sand Creek Jr./Sr. High school I would change Mandatory exams. I would change this "rule" because some students do really good in all of there classes and some students do not. So the students that do good shouldn't have to take the exams that the other students take. High school administration should only look after students while they are in high school so the statement that exams help you in the future should not even be used in this circumstance. If students want to practice how exams will be in college, and in future life, they should be able to get the choice to take them. Some students don't take their school life past high school so what good would exams do if they don't even finish high school?
If I could add a rule I would add a new dress code rule. Girls should not be able to wear short shorts. I mean some girls come to school with their cheeks hanging out of their shorts, like save that for the bedroom. I understand that this is already a rule but nothing is being done about it. If a teacher sees that a student is violating the dress code the first time a student is caught they should have to change and get a warning, the second time they should have to change and get detention, and the third time should be suspension for at least 3 days. Some students won't like it, but I come to school to learn, not to see girls cheeks.
If I could add a rule I would add a new dress code rule. Girls should not be able to wear short shorts. I mean some girls come to school with their cheeks hanging out of their shorts, like save that for the bedroom. I understand that this is already a rule but nothing is being done about it. If a teacher sees that a student is violating the dress code the first time a student is caught they should have to change and get a warning, the second time they should have to change and get detention, and the third time should be suspension for at least 3 days. Some students won't like it, but I come to school to learn, not to see girls cheeks.
Monday, May 14, 2012
I really don't like to talk about how the seniors are going to be graduating next week, time goes by so fast. It seems like just a couple months ago I was just a 7th grader, now I am going to be a senior next week! I don't want to graduate I would like to stay little forever. I miss being little when my biggest fear was getting scraped up knees, but the fact that no matter what I want, I am going to grow up and become an adult here soon, so I will make the best out of my teen years, and move on to be a successful adult!
Monday, April 30, 2012
What is on my mind!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Yes of course I have a facebook account. Who doesn't? I use facebook almost every single day! I use facebook to keep in contact with family and friends, and to read everybody Else's business that they post! I think people just have to be on facebook to make sure they don't miss anybody's drama that they post! I think anybody can use facebook as long as they don't post every single detail about who they are, what they are doing, etc. Nobody really has hundreds of friends they are just people they know, or family!!!
Monday, April 16, 2012
Favorite Picture of Zaelin and Ethan
This was one of the first pictures I took, and zaelin watched her brother as he walked up to the gate and looking in at the statue, and crawled over and pulled herself up!
There is nothing better than...
There is nothing better than waking up one morning and finding out that you will be going to the bahamas in three months!!! About a month ago my parent had the idea that we would be going on a "big" family trip before my sister graduates. A week after that I woke up and they were gone they got home about an hour later with 5 tickets to the bahamas!
Monday, April 9, 2012
Spring Break
Well like last years spring break and the years before I did absolutly NOTHING!!! I sat around the house, went on walks, babysat, and went shopping once or twice! We are saving up money for the summer because we will be going to the bahamas for a week! So mainly all I did all spring break was SLEEP! :)
Monday, March 26, 2012
New Holiday!
If I could make up my own holiday, my holiday would be frappe day! This holiday would be March 27. We would celebrate this day because it's tomorrow and I have not had a Starbucks Frappe for almost three months. This holiday will be represented with the Starbucks sign!
Monday, March 19, 2012
If I could meet any person I would choose to meet Jake Owen! Last Friday I went to his concert at Adrian College and it was AMAZING! I would choose to meet Jake Owen because he is my favorite country singer! He is amazingly gorgeous and has the best smile I have ever saw!
Monday, March 12, 2012
March is reading month! As a child my favorite childhood book was by far My Monster Momma by Laura Leuck! This book was read to me every single night by the best, my Mother! I loved the book so much because I loved hearing rhymes and the book rhymes everything from "combing the cobwebs from my bangs, and making sure I brush my fangs!" As a teenager I personally don't read that much anymore because not very many books interest me! If authors would write books that teenagers are actually into we would read more!
Monday, March 5, 2012
Pet Peeves
The definitions of a Pet Peeve to me is a MAJOR ANNOYANCE! My biggest pet peeve is when guys leave the toliet seat up! It drives me CRAZY! I mean really is it that hard to put the toliet seat down when you go to flush the toliet?
Monday, February 27, 2012
What makes a Friend? :)
Friendship is a strong feeling many people feel, but what really makes a friend? To me a friend is someone who sticks up for you when others don't, someone who you can joke around with, and someone who you can talk to when others are not available. Someone can have many friends, whether they have 10 or 350 on facebook, but they are not as special as their BEST FRIEND! To me a best friend is someone who is there for you through good times and bad, someone you can talk to and know that they won't tell anybody else! A best friend is someone who laughs with you but not at you. Most of all a friend is someone you love (like family) no matter if they are sitting right next to you or if they live 300 miles away!
Monday, February 20, 2012
So homecoming has come and gone! To me it just feels like another week of normal school! I did dress up for plaid day, pj day and green and white day but that is it, because our 2nd hour advisor didn't feel like counting any of the people that did dress up so it was pointless. The mini floats were pretty good overall (except for the seniors)! The pep assembly didn't seem all that great for the most part, but we did have some fun parts! I really did not care that Nick Howard won king because it is not my graduating class! Maybe next year I will be more interested!
Monday, February 13, 2012
Valentines day...
So as we all know tomorrow is valentines day! YAY!!! Just kidding valentines day I believe has went WAY overboard. All the candy and cards! It's pointless. Valentine's day is not even a holiday (in my opinion). If you don't have someone special in your life to give a Valentine to WHO CARES! Their are a lot of single people in the world today, what are they supposed to sit around and cry all day? Parents could count as being your valentine (if you really think you need Valentine's day in order to survive). As a child I loved Valentines day though you got to have a party in school, and go out and buy the "cutest" valentine's day cards to give to your whole class, and even make a mail box for them! Now it's like whatever!
Monday, February 6, 2012
This Next MONTH!
So I am pretty EXCITED for the 26 ( I think) of this month! My baby cousin Zaelin is entered in the Sunburst Beauty Pageant! Since her mother has no sense of style she asked me to pick out Zaelins dress, shoes, and to do her hair. The contest she is enter in include best attitude, prettiest eyes, prettiest smile, and cutest hair! And I will be taking her up on stage! SHE BETTER WIN BECAUSE SHE IS THE CUTEST BABY I HAVE EVER SEEN!
Monday, January 30, 2012
Taking Pictures Is my favorite thing to do! I'm not really sure my level of understanding, I understand how to do somethings but I know for sure that there are many things about photography that I do not know, so I have a lot to learn. Well my experience with photography is higher than some others but a lot lower than some, I have taken family pictures, senior pictures, newborn, and children's photos. I am expecting to learn alot more than I know from this unit, to hopefully get better at taking pictures!
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Monday, January 23, 2012
Well 2011-2012 exams are over with :) FINALLY!!! I am not really sure how I did on any of my exams except for Algebra 2 which I got an 87 % on! I personally don't mind exams but I do not think that they should be mandatory. Yes exams could help prepare you for future school life (college) but then again its not teaching students that they have to be responsible. If students want to get prepared for college and take exams to know what its going to be like later on, then let them, but students that want to be slackers, well they will have to grow up sometime! I personally don't mind exams myself, as long as you pay attention, and do your homework you will do fine. Exams were pretty comprehensive this year except for English (but I don't mind if she left out a few things!). Some classes I did not have to study for at all like Algebra 2, Parenting, and PE. Other classes like English, Physics, Exploring Tech, and Government were a different story. I spent at least 2 1/2 to 3 hrs studding for each.
Monday, January 9, 2012
So while sitting in Exploring Tech one of my good friends Mickenzee thought it would be funny to push me out of the way and try to type on my computer for our every Monday blog in class, so while she was holding my arms down with one hand and typing with the other I knew i had to get her away from my computer so I softly bit her (not even leaving teeth marks or anything) and she is about going crazy because she dnnt like my drool.... Well she learned her lesson didn't she?
For christmas I recieved a background editing disk from my grandma to finish Brittanys senior pictures but to download it you need Photoshop. So Sunday I recieved a call from my Grandma saying that she bought me photoshop, and that it should be comming in the mail soon!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Christmas Break
Christmas break was good for the most part. For Christmas I got a new laptop, safari stuff for my room, photography props, and photo editing software I have yet to download. I spent Christmas with mainly my dads side of the family but my Aunt Dawn on my moms side and her children. I switched rooms with my brother, so I could have a bigger room. So now what was my hot pink and black room is gray and black, and his lime green room is tan, and brown and safari themed. For New years eve we had friends over and played just dance 3 and board games, and of course watched the ball drop, but Christmas isn't over for me because the 11th of this month we are having family from Florida come up for a week!
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